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Japanese Souffle Pancake

My friend in USA sent me maple syrup. When I received this, it was so delicious that I want to cook with this. So I thought of pancakes that go well with maple syrup, and I made Japanese shuffle pancake. And it was perfect. Thank you Rose : )


Japanese Souffle Pancake

T = Tablespoon

t = teaspoon


batter Ingredients (2 pieces pancake)

  • 2 egg

  • 20g mlik

  • 4T cake flour

  • vanilla extract

  • 1t Lemon juice

  • 2T sugar

Japanese Souffle Pancake Ingredients

  • maple syrup

  • half whipped cream

  • batter*


How to make


  1. Mix 2 egg yolks and 20g milk

  2. Sift 4T cake flour and add a little vanilla extract

  3. Mix until all the ingredients are mixed

  4. Mix 2 egg whites and 4g lemon juice in a bowl

  5. Beating egg whites with eletric beater

  6. After 2~30 second, begin adding 2T sugar three times at intervals of 30 seconds

  7. Whip until you get stiff peak (meringue)

  8. Put meringue into the egg yolk mixture and mix

  9. Put the mixture in the piping bag

Japanese Souffle Pancake (2 pieces pancake)

  1. Put oil in the pan and wipe off

  2. Pipe two mounds only using half of mixture

  3. Cover it with a lid and cook over low low heat for 3 minutes

  4. Pipe the rest of the mixture on top

  5. Cover it with a lid and cook over low low heat for 3 minutes

  6. Turn the pancakes upside down, sprinkle with water, and cover the pan with a lid

  7. Cook over low low heat for 5 minutes

  8. Put half whipped cream or butter on pancake and pour maple syrup on top


  1. (how to make meringue 03:29~03:47)


Score : 9/10

The soft & fluffy texture make me happy when I put it in my mouth

And the smooth of half whipped cream and the sweetness of maple syrup make me smile.

It's hard to make but it's worth it.

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